as the rush of samhain glow comes to pass, the pumpkins start to wilt away an the altar continues to glow from the many blessings of ancestors that passed visiting. I look around and realize oh my goddess yule is just next month. With me being just 7 weeks post op from a gastric bypass i looked threw many recipes and wonder how do you celebrate yule and prepare food that is both yule appropriate as well as weight loss surgery healthy. as many know on yule we prepare some amazing recipes. drinks, soda bread, bread pudding. all these things i am no longer able to eat. bread being one of the big issues. i can eat toast, flat bread, an wraps, but soft bread can cause blockage in my bypass intestinal hole and create a stricture that would cause me to have to be taken in for a endoscopy procedure to remove it. so just like with samhain i flip threw thousands of recipes, i am spending the next few weeks altering and substituting items so that i can celebrate yule with my family and still enjoy a great yule meal.
this will be my son's 8th yule, but traditionally our house is decorated for both yule and christmas. due to the fact that my family is baptist. and my household is wiccan. this year we are gonna to celebrate all the sabbaths and decorate my house the way we want it. i traditionally have a white tree. but it will hopefully be changed to a black christmas tree this year. my dream tree. also just as with samhain i will be creating our own family traditons that will be carried on yearly. my son dragon had such a wonderful time this past samhain that he is looking forward to the next sabbath. it is so wonderful to see the true joy in his eyes finally as he starts to understand what this faith is truely about it.
blessed be
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