
Monday, August 29, 2016

The 3rd Retrograde of Mercury is upon us. 3rd of 4th of 2016

Mercury Retrograde – Aug. 30-Sept. 21/22, 2016

Mercury Retrograde
Get all possible appointments and repairs made and completed before August 30th, or get them scheduled before August 30th for after September 22nd. (Also stay aware of not scheduling during or for a date and time we’re in a Void or Course Moon.)  The next Mercury Retrograde cycle begins August 30, 2016 (6:04a PT/9:04a ET). It ends September 21 at 10:31p for the West Coast and on September 22 at 1:31a for the East Coast. 
Many of you know the drill: Count on greater misunderstandings, as all communications are more likely to suffer; expect delays and/or undelivered mail or messages. EXPECT to write and rewrite in the present and WISH to rewrite the past. Always get repairs done of any kind before Mercury Retrograde begins or wait until it ends.
Emergencies excepted, Mercury Retrograde is definitely NOT the time to start a new relationship, a new job, or long-term project — let alone a new career; it is not the time enter into binding commitments (marriage, financial, or otherwise) without the absolute expectation of necessary modifications, alternative compromises and/or reversals in the original plan and/or intent. Unless it’s an emergency, it is generally not a good idea make or go to medical appointments during Mercury Retrograde.
Interpersonally, communications at all levels are problematic, and we are inclined to think slower – process communications slower! We have to be patient with each other and ourselves. Expect computer issues – not the least of which will likely include slower connections (also MUST back-up data).
EXPECT misleading information — if not deception (especially with Neptune in Pisces); EXPECT missed appointments, traffic problems, the failure to keep one’s word because of a promise that could not be kept; misplaced documents, more compute-related problems.
Any Mercury Retrograde cycle is THE time to re-think, re-do, re-define, re-organize, re-assess, re-orient, and/or re-plan without taking action on the “new plan” until after Mercury Retrograde ends. It is the time for completions; i.e., cleaning up paperwork, paying old debts, doing what we’ve promised that hasn’t been completed OR otherwise handling those matters responsibly.
It is not the time for repairs to machinery or automobiles in particular; chances are, repairs have to be made to the repair! It IS the time to chill – to *think* more than we expand our activities; plan what to change and how to move forward after Mercury Retrograde ends. Think of it as an *opportunity* that comes around 3 or occasionally 4 times in a year.
NO ONE escapes the discomfort of Mercury Retrograde — wherever we have Gemini or Virgo in our natal charts, we are going to experience the effects of any Mercury Retrograde cycle.
Mercury “rules” those individuals with a Gemini or Virgo Sun. Those with a Gemini Sun, Moon, or Ascendant, will, most likely, be in the uncomfortable position of having to re-think exactly where they are most comfortable; i.e., easy, adaptable communications suitable for the moment. On the other hand, for the Gemini who is aware of Mercury Retrograde, the opportunity exists to clarify communications — being so precise there is little room for misunderstanding.
Virgo Sun, Moon, or Virgo ascendant, will likely experience the usual difficulties presented by a Mercury Retrograde cycle; however, their main opportunity is to analyze how they may be the carping critic and unnecessarily complicating matters for everyone with whom they are in contact. The main issue will likely be analyzing everything to death with slower reasoning powers, so all the analyzing actually gets in their way. Other issues may be intolerance for disorder or totally rationalizing a double standard they might be using to manipulate a situation.
Mercury will be retrograde in one zodiacal sign or the other, and those whose Sun, Mercury, Moon, or Ascendant in that sign will be seriously affected by the Mercury Retrograde cycle of the sign.
To reiterate, during any Mercury Retrograde cycle, one should not enter into any binding agreements or life-altering commitments. Commitments made during a Mercury Retrograde cycle are most often commitments not kept. Where agreements cannot be avoided, there should be an expectation of having to modify the agreement at some point during its term. The signing of any important document should either be put on hold or signed with the knowledge that it will likely have to be changed in some way.
We are all being forced to loosen our grip on one or more situations in order to prepare for what is coming. The first half of Mercury Retrograde is the time for the greatest reflection and introspection.
During the second half of Mercury Retrograde, people will be especially inclined to just get on with business/life as usual — foolishly so. Added tension stems from a new perspective and the added awareness that we are literally blocked from doing what we feel ready to DO to the fullest extent. What we SHOULD focus on is physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional well-being, as well as plans for greater fulfillment in our lives after the cycle ends.
REMEMBER: Sleep deprivation during Mercury Retrograde causes extreme confusion, inflexibility, and general difficulty staying in reality-based thought. When we feel the least bit sleepy it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, not to mention — refreshing — to STOP what we are doing, and close our eyes just long enough to allow the sleepiness to subside. It can be as little as 2-5 minutes.
REMEMBER ALSO: During ANY Mercury Retrograde cycle, most folks are inclined to think/process information slower — just “BE” with that, and USE it for deeper thinking about any subject, issue, or idea. Be patient with each other.
Mercury Retrograde also affects all modes of travel and all modes of communication. It is definitely not a good time for travel (and we should do so ONLY when our Personal Energy Influences to show positive indications). EXPECT greater stress in any event.
Also, it is no secret that when people use cell phones to talk or text while driving, the distraction can have disastrous consequences.  Especially during Mercury Retrograde, the hazard is multiplied when those who use them are so busy talking (not to mention texting) they go through red lights or don’t stop for pedestrians on a busy street, or even see animals (and animals can’t think). People are supposed to be able to think, but thinking is more often impaired during Mercury Retrograde, and, when using a cell phone one’s thinking may not be sharp enough to negotiate both the situation on the road and the telephone interaction.
Whether we are pedestrians or behind the wheel of a vehicle – it will pay dividends to take an extra 10 seconds for a second and third look before leaving a GREEN light!!!

all info shared came from

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